Slides. You know little square things you have to view on a projector–and you have to make sure they are all facing the right direction otherwise you can’t make out what you’re seeing. Those images from our passed that are kept in a plastic ring. So inconveinent!
Images from slides are incredible and by far the most rewarding items for me to digitize. Often they have not been seen by anyone in 20 + years. When clients see the images for the first time, it gives me the chills! If the slides are kept in a dark, cool, dry place the results can be stunning. These images were often taken with a good camera, so the photos printed from them were great to start with. Which means the negatives (slides) are also pretty amazing.
Maybe I have a fondness for them because my very first scanning job included 550- 35mm slides from my family. It turns out I had never seen the photos that my grandfather took and I was amazed by how skilled he was with photography. I loved seeing through his eyes. It still warms my heart thinking about seeing them for the first time.

There is a lot of prep time that goes into ensuring the dust does not ruin your final image. Brushes and an air bulb are my main tools. AND a quick PhotoShop clean up before I finalize the images.
Do you have slides in your family collection? Need help sorting them out? Let me know! I can help.