Remember when we were kids? I was born in the 80’s. I would go to grandma’s house and want to look at all the photo albums she had. I would do it over and over. It was something I really enjoyed. At that time she had good ole sticky albums with cellophane over each page. Sometimes the photos would be slipping because the stick…wasn’t so sticky anymore. I remember the lines of glue starting to turn yellow too.
These albums were the best viewing at the time. And every time we got a new envelope of freshly printed photos we’d add them to the sticky album or the pocket album. I’m still trying to decide which way to put the portrait photos in the horizonal sleeves.
As I’ve started to digitize photos from sticky albums I’ve realized that the glue has reacted with the photo chemicals and has started to ruin them! Pocket albums are never the right size and you have to turn that album from side to side to see all the photos correctly.
Currently, I’m guilty of it too, we pass our phones around. But that isn’t convenient for many viewers. And viewing on the television is cool, but they never slide at the right speed for everyone in the audience. Now there is both paper scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking. Each page takes hours to complete, but the outcome is such a great viewing experience.
My favorite viewing experience by far is the printed photobooks. There are so many reasons. Books are already designed for you. You can easily upload your photos from your phone, desktop, Google Photos, Facebook, Instagram + Smugmug. Then you can just add your pictures to the existing layout Mixbook has already created for you. This is so awesome and EASY! Books in general seem to last forever, which is why they have nearly replaced all the previous viewing experiences.
My personal favorite is to do Family Photo Yearbooks, see video below. I gather all my favorite photos from the entire year and I compile them in to a month by month book. It is so fun to look at previous birthdays and babies grow.
They are nice and neat, the kids can look through them over and over. If they are ever damaged in a fire, flood, children, or pets– you can order a new one. Bonus–Photos all stay where they belong and they are not ruined by time.
I find that the biggest hesitation to making photobooks are a few things– figuring out a new program/software, having time to put the books together and the cost. PLC can solve all 3 problems for you.
I have figured out the program/software so you can do the fun part like pick out your favorite design. I have the time to help because this is what I do and I really love to help. The cost 90% of the time I can get an amazing deal from Mixbook.
We can chat about what you’d like your final product to consist of and I can get started. I have sample books you can take a look at and Mixbook does the printing.